As the weather warms I am frequently asked if I ship my candles in the summer. I use 100% soy wax which can be temperature sensitive if left in the sun for long periods of time. This wax will begin to soften at about 120 degrees.
Since the establishment of Old Soul Artisan in 2014 there hasn't been had any significant problems with summer shipping. Because of this, I do ship all year round with the only change being our shipping days. During the warmer months I prefer to ship Monday through Wednesday to ensure packages aren't sitting in a hot warehouse over the weekend. Because of this you may see a delay in the time I package your order and when it is actually delivered to the post office.
If you are concerned about melted products, it is a good idea to bring your package inside a soon as you are able to and let it sit for a while before opening. If you have any problems please send a photo to darkness@oldsoulartisan.com.
Summer candle burning tip: burning a candle near an open window or fan could disperse the candle fragrance. For optimum performance and a stronger scent throw try to avoid this by burning the candle away from windows or fans.